Issues with cellulite are most often caused by our metabolism and the ways our body is dealing with fats. Besides affecting our aesthetic appearance in a negative way, cellulite can be serious and painful. Changing your life habits and diet is the first step towards resolving this issue, but anti-cellulite treatments should be included for reaching the maximum effect.

Medical method for fighting cellulite and fatty deposits
Body mesotherapy is a method in which we use a needle to apply substances in the upper layers of skin with a purpose to remove fatty deposits, cellulite and skin regeneration. Substances that are used are vitamins, amino acids, minerals, lipolytics and venotonics.
In Sculpturelle, we use mesotherapeutic products registered for injection application. Substances and cocktails that are going to be applied are determined individually, depending on the issues that needs to be treated.

Mesotherapy can be conducted to all healthy people from age 18 to age 65. It is a successful treatment for dealing with:
- Cellulite
- Localized fatty deposits
- Skin aging
The treatment is being done on following regions:
- Thighs, lower leg and behind
- Stomach and waist
- Arms and shoulders
Mesotherapy can’t be performed on people with autoimmune and infectious diseases, pregnant women and woman who breastfeed.
Preparation includes a detailed exam and consults, after which an individual protocol is determined for each client.
Depending on what issues we are treating and the individual protocol that we have established, mesotherapy is done through following phases:
- In phase one, we apply cocktails that increase microcirculation and enable better nutrition and tissue detox
- In phase two we apply cocktails that can dissolve fibrin compartments which are holding in the fatty cells and form the orange peel appearance
- Phase three is applying lipolytic cocktails that melt fatty deposits
With this approach we are affecting the source of the issues, and with continuation of proposed mechanical treatments, the effect is safe and long-term. Mesotherapy treatment is applied once a week, and the number of treatments is individual. Usually, it is between 6 – 12 treatments.
There are no contraindications related to Mesotherapy. Swelling, pain and redness occur rarely and disappear quickly. After the treatment we do not recommend sun bathing. Additionally, wax treatments or massages of treated areas should be postponed.