Ingrown hair and inflamed hair root drastically worsen the appearance and health of skin. The issue of ingrown hair and folliculitis is not only very persistent and uncomfortable, but can also cause confidence loss. Laser epilation is a solution that can easily and permanently help you resolve an uncomfortable ingrown hair and folliculitis issues.
Permanent epilation as a way to solve this issue
Folliculitis is a inflammatory process on the root of the hair. It happens to both men and women. It is most often caused by a bacterial infection (Staphyloccocus aureus) or by fungus. Folliculitis can be superficial or deep, and is manifested on the skin in a form of pimples that are spreading. If folliculitis isn’t treated in time, it can lead to ulcers that can be a major issues. The only place on the body that can’t have this issue are hands and soles because they don’t have hair.
Ingrown hair is an issue that occurs when the hair bends backwards before it reaches the surface, grows into the skin and causes an inflammation.
Laser folliculitis removal and ingrown hair deals not only with the health issue, but the aesthetic one as well. The laser affect and removes scars caused by ingrown hair and the hair itself, and the skin regenerates and becomes smooth.

Every person that has an issue with ingrown hair, can come and have an exam with our doctors, and schedule a laser hair removal after the consult.
You are a potential candidate for laser hair and folliculitis removal, if you have any of these issues:
- Redness around the hair follicle
- Itch and tingling around that area
- Swollen or lumps with pus
Areas that these issues commonly occur:
- Women: bikini zone, armpits and legs
- Men: chin and neck
Some of the basic preparation rules for laser folliculitis and ingrown hair removal are:
- Do not undergo any waxing treatments, use electric epilator or pluck your hair with tweezers 4 weeks before the treatment
- Avoid sun exposure 4weeks before and 2 weeks after the treatment
- Do not use self-tanning products. If you did wait for the natural tan to come back
- Do not use any products that irritate the skin and that are photosensitive (retinol, AHA acids)
- Do not undergo anti-cellulite treatments 4 weeks before the treatment
- If you are treating acne by using antibiotics, wait for 4-6 weeks after the therapy
- If the face or armpit area is being treated, remove make up and deodorant
Wanted area is being treated by using a SOPRANO ICE Alma Laser state of the art medical laser. Laser bem comes in contant with melanin, pigment found in the hair root. During this contact, a heat that permanently destroys the hair is generated. The procedure is painless, and is manifested as a tingling sensation. Laser removal of ingrown hair and folliculitis depends on the size of the area that is being treated and can last from 5 minutes up to one hour. Repeating the treatment is needed so that all hair could be removed. 3 – 6 treatments are needed depending on the type of the hair.
You can read about the device used for laser for laser epilation in the Sculpturelle, by visiting
It is very important to follow the medical advice received after the treatment:
- If you feel a tingling sensation or skin tightening, you can use zinc cream
- Redness and swelling that occur in the first few hours after the treatment can be treated with ice
- Avoid sun exposure at least one week after the treatment
- Use sun protection cream with a SPF 25 – 30
- Avodi going to the tanning salon
- Be prepared for possible hair loss in the first week following the treatment